The Wedding of Tyler and Amy

The Wedding of Tyler and Amy

November 21, 2018 Off By Eric

Several years ago, I watched as a street artist would take an empty white plate, and as he held it in his hand, he would begin to rub colors onto its surface. At first, you would have thought, my child could do this. But as the painter, skilled in his craft, would add more colors, the definition of lines would take begin to appear. Shapes, unrecognizable at first, would slowly reveal their true identity. Mountains rose up. Trees took their place and birds would cross the created sky. That which began as ordinary developed into something extraordinary.

Family and friends, good evening, today Tyler and Amy welcome you, to sit and watch their painting begin. What you will witness today is a picture of what has already happened to both Tyler and Amy in their personal lives. We know, from scripture, that a wedding is a picture of Christ and His church. Paul states in Ephesians (5:31-32) “For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” This is a profound mystery – but I am talking about Christ and the church.” They both have left their sinful natures to which they were born and placed their faith in Christ as their Lord and Savior, and are now united with Him for eternity. They both want you to know that this gift of salvation is offered to you through the blood of Christ, as he has taken upon himself your iniquity and through repentance and faith you may receive his righteousness. And through Christ work and your faith, you may become the bride of Christ, which is his church.

Tyler, the Master Painter holds his palette in hand. He has placed upon the canvas both you and Amy. This painting is not abstract. There is to be order and structure, just like it is with Christ and the church. We see in Ephesians the structure laid out for us. You, Tyler are to be head of your house as Christ is head of the church. This does not mean to rule with a heavy hand, but first and foremost to love Amy as Christ loves the church, with a sacrificial love.  And from this love, to lead as Christ leads. That you are willing to give up yourself, for your wife. That you guard her purity in Christ, exhort her in the Lord that she would be washed in the word. For she was created as a helpmate, not one to rule over you or one for you to walk over. But one that will walk with you. God has designed work that you cannot accomplish on your own. But he has created one who will work with you. Love her, tend to her, pray for her, for she is but yours for a little while that you would build her up in the faith you both share.

Amy, what joy it brings to my heart, to see the woman you have become, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith. (Col 2:7) I have watched you submit yourself to God’s call in your life, where ever He has led you, you have gone. So, Amy, I exhort you now, to submit yourself to Tyler, as your husband, as you do to the Lord. For the work in front of you belongs to both of you, for today you are joined together as one flesh. As God leads, you help Tyler to follow, build up your home with the gospel of Christ.

Tyler and Amy, it is no secret that marriage has its challenges. There are times that each of you will struggle in life, and if you attempt to overcome these challenging times alone, you will fail. However, together, you will have victory. (Eccl 4:9-12) “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!  Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him-a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” Therefore, keep Christ as your center and let your love and service for one another spring from Him who saved you.

The one who created you is not lacking with his palette of colors. What at times may seem abstract, He will form, He will define, and He will color, into a painting more beautiful, than you can imagine. My prayer for you both is that God will paint in your life, trees full of fruit. So much so that they would feed the world with His goodness, His glory, and His gospel, through your union today.


Tyler and Amy have prepared their own vows.

Rings Ceremony

These rings are symbols of your commitment of love. They are made of gold, expressing the purity which should always be in your marriage. They are formed in circles, expressing the unending dimension of your love and the eternal love of God. Share these rings now in the full awareness of Christ’s love in you and through you.

Tyler, would you place this ring on Amy’s finger and repeat after me.

“This ring is a token of my love for you. With this ring, I pledge my life and all I have to you, in the name of the Father, the son, and the Holy Spirit.”

Amy, would you place this ring on Tyler’s finger and repeat after me.

“This ring is a token of my love for you. With this ring, I pledge my life and all I have to you, in the name of the Father, the son, and the Holy Spirit.”


Father God, we come to you today, seeking your blessing on the union of Tyler and Amy. We pray that their marriage would stand as a testimony of your love and devotion to your people. God, we pray that you would direct their focus to you first, and guide their steps as a couple. We ask that you would grow their love and devotion for each other as the years go by. May they always be dependent upon you, that they may live with great joy in the warmth of your love and grace.  Thank you, father, for today, and what these two have meant to all of us. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

The Kiss

Tyler and Amy, because you have exchanged sacred vows, because you have given rings as symbols of your commitment to Christian marriage, it is my privilege to pronounce that from this day forward, in the sight of God and man, you are now husband and wife. What God hath joined together, let no man put asunder. God bless you

Tyler, you may now kiss your bride.